
"Art enables us to find ourselves and lose ourselves at the same time." -Thomas Merton

Monday, May 15, 2017

Little Book of Whispers and Shimmerz Paints

Hello friends,
Today, I'm sharing a project using Shimmerz Paints,
and the results of my student lessons with Laly Mille's,
"The Little Book of Whispers."
The book is primarily composed of neutral materials and art medium,
but where I wanted to add a subtle hint of creamy colors,
I chose Shimmerz Paints.

Follow my Shimmerz Paints Design Team Post here,
and I'll show you what products I used.
And, many more pictures of the various folios
are also found on the blog.

If you're interested in the
Little Book of Whispers
class where Laly teaches
us how to bind folios, signature pages
and other lacy delights,
you can find Laly here.

Thank you for letting me share with you.

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