
"Art enables us to find ourselves and lose ourselves at the same time." -Thomas Merton

Wednesday, January 1, 2020

What's On My Desk...making progress on the cover of my journal

Happy New Years Friends
and welcome back to my blog.

Sharing some progress on my junk journal cover today.
I purchased some old books to re-purpose into art.
The spine on the old books were easy to remove from the old book pages.
However, the newer books are not that easy to remove,
and you will see the poor results I had in the pics below.  
I think I found a way to repair it with some cardboard from
a paper towel roll and will attempt the repair later on, and before
I finished sewing in the signatures.
I was influenced by the talented Nellie Wortman, and
the lovable Mrs. Cog with her paper clipped fabric book markers.
Here are some pics of my progress...keep in mind some pages are still not complete.

Thank you for viewing my channel.


  1. I like your journal. It also reminds me of Sigita's style.

  2. I love your journal. Each creation is so well put together. It flows easily. ❤️❤️❤️❤️

  3. What a beautiful cover for your journal . Love the colors
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