
"Art enables us to find ourselves and lose ourselves at the same time." -Thomas Merton

Sunday, October 11, 2020

Junk Journal Embellishments Using Words, Sentences, and Phrases from Old Books and Magazines

 It has been said that books don't change people;
 sentences do! And, even paragraphs!
With that in mind,
 have created embellishments on page pockets,
 library cards, and on the covers of my junk journals.

Here are some pictures of ideas for you to consider using in your junk journal
 the next time a sentence, paragraph or even a phrase in a table of contents catches your attention:

A chapter title was cut from an old book and placed on top of a title to a library card that had featured a book on a boys boarding school. That subject didn't fit in with the theme of my journal. The library card was purchased on A Tattered Dream on Etsy.  The sari silk fabric was purchased from Bohodaydreams. The peacock chipboard is from Dusty Attic.

These chapter titles came from an old book where the subject matter were women as weaker vessels. Ha! They made their way on the below three journal covers I created.

These words were from a magazine spread: Tear It, Crunch It, Paint It, Stitch It...oh don't we all relate
to those action words?


Here's an example where I need to find the right word or phrase and affix it to the simple design below.

I hope you have found some inspiration here to use in your junk journals.

All my best,



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